Technological and Energy Literacy

Technology shapes humanity’s interaction with the environment, for better or worse. These essays examine technological opportunities and challenges.

Educating for Climate Activism, Autonomy, and System Change

To meet growing calls for system change, climate curriculums need to synthesize several disciplines. The broad literacies described here provide a foundation that can help people grasp the multiple dimensions of the climate crisis. By remaining focused on the goal of cultivating autonomy, educators can prepare learners to become activists who are capable of reshaping the interconnected systems at the root of the problem.

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Towards a Climate Activism Curriculum: Ecological and Energy Literacy

Published by The Ecologist.

The better one understands a problem, the greater the chance of solving it. So it is with climate change, a crisis demanding far-reaching social transformation. But just how far-reaching? A broad curriculum that develops activists’ clarity and unity of vision could be an essential pillar to advance the climate movement’s preparation, ambition, and cohesiveness.

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Limits and Liberation: The Next Steps of the Climate Movement

The recent youth organizing around national climate politics represents a serious step forward for the climate justice movement. Until now, there had not been a sustained, movement-driven push for federal climate legislation. These efforts have signaled activists’ desire for action at the scale of the crisis we face. But we should remain aware that the Green New Deal (GND) resolution is not legislation, and any climate policies discussed by political figures are just words until they are enacted and implemented. Whether we ultimately take action at the appropriate scale will be determined by how the movement continues to progress.

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